ICERM's Scientific Advisory Board Chair Helps Fight Crime

Institute News

November 1, 2011 - Andrea Bertozzi, ICERM's Scientific Advisory Board Chair, and her colleagues at UCLA have developed an algorithm to identify street gangs involved in unsolved crimes. The algorithm has the potential apply more broadly to activity on social networks.

UCLA Press Release:

LA Times link:

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NSF Launches SAVI

Institute News

October 5, 2011 - Today, the NSF launched "SAVI", Science Across Virtual Institutes. Building on beneficial partnerships initiated by NSF-supported researchers, research institutes and universities, SAVI projects will address common challenges and serve as creative hubs for innovative research and education activities across borders. NSF will support U.S. participants, while their international partners will be supported by their own national or regional funding source.

During today's launch at the NSF in Washington, DC, ICERM Director Jill Pipher introduced the Virtual Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (VI-MSS) which, as part of SAVI, connects two existing NSF mathematical and statistical research institutes (ICERM and SAMSI) with several Indian research institutes, capitalizing on the strength of each in different facets of research. Jill was quoted as saying, "VI-MSS will address many global challenges by supporting fundamental and computational research in mathematics and statistics related to issues such as sustainability, cybersecurity, health, and the extraction of useful information from massive and complex data."

Here are links to the launch announcements:
(press release)

View a video of the launch here:

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ICERM launches its Corporate Sponsorship Program

Institute News

October 4, 2011 - ICERM launches its Corporate Sponsorship program. For more details click here

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Congratulations to "National Medal of Science" Recipients

Institute News

October 3, 2011 - Srinivasa S.R.Varadhan, a professor at New York University's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences and member of ICERM's Board of Trustees, and Richard Tapia, a Rice University Professor, Director of the Center for Excellence and Equity in Education, and honoree of the biennial Blackwell-Tapia Conference (which ICERM will co-sponsor in 2012), were both named recipients of the National Medal of Science, the highest honor bestowed by the United States government on scientists and engineers. They will be among the seven who will be honored at a White House ceremony later this year.

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Institute News

September 30, 2011 - Look for information about ICERM at the upcoming SACNAS conference this October. ICERM's Associate Director and Professor of Mathematics at Brown University, Jeff Brock, will be on-hand to answer questions about NSF's newest Math Institute during the "Modern Math Workshop" reception. Information about our programs will also be available at the NSF Math Institutes' table. We are pleased that Columbia University's Professor Jose Blanchet will represent ICERM, giving a talk on "Monte Carlo Methods for Risk Analysis".

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