Organizing Committee

40 Years and Counting: 2011 is the 40th anniversary of the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM). With this conference, AWM continues to celebrate the progress of women in mathematical professions and to recognize individual achievements. Join us this fall on the Brown University campus in historic Providence, RI.

Plenary Speakers
Image for "AWM Anniversary Conference at Brown University"

Workshop Schedule

Saturday, September 17, 2011
8:00 - 8:30am EDTRegistrationMacMillan Hall, Room 117, 167 Thayer Street, Providence, RI 
8:30 - 8:40am EDTWelcome - Jill Pipher, President, AWMMacMillan Hall, Room 117 
8:40 - 9:25am EDTMy Forty Years of Conservation Laws - Barbara Keyfitz, Ohio State UniversityMacMillan Hall, Room 117, 167 Thayer Street, Providence, RI 
9:30 - 10:10am EDTPoster Session and Coffee BreakBarus & Holley Lobby, 182 Hope Street, Providence, RI 
10:15 - 12:15pm EDTSpecial Sessions - click below for titles and locationsBarus & Holley (Room numbers vary) 
12:15 - 1:45pm EDTLunch Break  
1:45 - 2:30pm EDTPolynomial Dynamics and Combinatorial Models - Laura DeMarco, University of Illinois ChicagoMacMillan Hall, Room 117 
2:30 - 3:10pm EDTPoster Session and Coffee BreakBarus & Holley Lobby 
3:15 - 5:15pm EDTSpecial Sessions - click below for titles and locationsBarus & Holley (Room numbers vary) 
5:25 - 6:10pm EDTCounting and Equidistribution in Apollonian Circle Packings - Hee Oh, Brown UniversityMacMillan Hall, Room 117 
7:00 - 10:00pm EDTNetworking Reception with DinnerBiltmore Hotel, Garden Room (2nd Floor) 11 Dorrance Street, Providence, RI 
Sunday, September 18, 2011
8:30 - 10:30am EDTSpecial Sessions - click below for titles and locationsBarus & Holley (Room numbers vary) 
10:30 - 11:15am EDTPoster Session and Coffee BreakBarus & Holley Lobby 
11:20 - 12:05pm EDTMathematics of Crime - Andrea Bertozzi, UCLAMacMillan Hall, Room 117 

Special Sessions

Saturday Morning 10:15 - 12:15
Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra Abstract
Claudia Miller (Syracuse University)
Mara Neusel (Texas Tech University)
Janet Striuli (Fairfield University)
Conservation Laws — Analytical and Numerical Approaches Abstract
Katarina Jegdic (University of Houston - Downtown)
Barbara Keyfitz (The Ohio State University)
Cryptography Abstract
Shafi Goldwasser (MIT)
Tal Rabin (IBM)
Current Trends in Probability Abstract
Kavita Ramanan (Brown University)
Geometric Group Theory Abstract
Moira Chas (SUNY Stony Brook University)
Delaram Kahrobaei (City University of New York)
Geometry and Combinatorics in Flag Manifolds and Beyond Abstract
Rebecca Goldin (George Mason University)
Julianna Tymoczko (University of Iowa)
Group Theory and Its Connections to Representation Theory Abstract
Terrell Hodge (Western Michigan University)
Julianne Rainbolt (St. Louis University)
Homotopy Theory and Its Applications Abstract
Maria Basterra (University of New Hampshire)
Brooke Shipley (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Intersection of Mathematics and Mathematics Education: Research and Practice K-20 Abstract
Juliana Belding (Harvard University)
Ginger Warfield (University of Washington)
Mathematical Biology — An Overview Abstract
Holly Gaff (Old Dominion University)
Maeve L. McCarthy (Murray State University)
Recent Advances in Numerical Methods and Scientific Computing Abstract
Sigal Gottlieb (University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth)
Misha Kilmer (Tufts University)
Symplectic and Contact Geometry Abstract
Eleny Ionel (Stanford University)
Katrin Wehrheim (MIT)
Saturday Afternoon 3:15 - 5:15
Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics Abstract
Alethea Barbaro (UCLA)
Andrea Bertozzi (UCLA)
Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra Abstract
Claudia Miller (Syracuse University)
Mara Neusel (Texas Tech University)
Janet Striuli (Fairfield University)
Combinatorics and Graph Theory Abstract
Ruth Haas (Smith College)
Ann Trenk (Wellesley College)
Current Trends in Probability Abstract
Kavita Ramanan (Brown University)
Geometric Group Theory Abstract
Moira Chas (SUNY Stony Brook University)
Delaram Kahrobaei (City University of New York)
Group Theory and its Connections with Representation Theory Abstract
Terrell Hodge (Western Michigan University)
Julianne Rainbolt (St. Louis University)
Intersection of Mathematics and Mathematics Education: Research and Practice K-20 Abstract
Juliana Belding (Harvard University)
Ginger Warfield (University of Washington)
Model Theory and Its Applications Abstract
Lynn Scow (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Carol Wood (Wesleyan University)
Nonlinear Wave Phenomena Abstract
Andrea Nahmod (University of Massachusetts-Amherst)
Gigliola Staffilani (MIT)
Number Theory Abstract
Alina Bucur (University of California San Diego)
Michelle Manes (University of Hawaii)
Recent Advances in Numerical Methods and Scientific Computing Abstract
Sigal Gottlieb (University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth)
Misha Kilmer (Tufts University)
Riemannian Geometry Abstract
Carolyn Gordon (Dartmouth College)
Sarah Greenwald (Appalachian State University)
Christina Sormani (CUNY GC and Lehman College)
Sunday Morning 8:30 - 10:30
Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics Abstract
Alethea Barbaro (UCLA)
Andrea Bertozzi (UCLA)
Combinatorics and Graph Theory Abstract
Ruth Haas (Smith College)
Ann Trenk (Wellesley College)
Conservation Laws — Analytical and Numerical Approaches Abstract
Katarina Jegdic (University of Houston - Downtown)
Barbara Keyfitz (The Ohio State University)
Cryptography Abstract
Shafi Goldwasser (MIT)
Tal Rabin (IBM)
Geometry and Combinatorics in Flag Manifolds and Beyond Abstract
Rebecca Goldin (George Mason University)
Julianna Tymoczko (University of Iowa)
Homotopy Theory and Its Applications Abstract
Maria Basterra (University of New Hampshire)
Brooke Shipley (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Mathematical Biology — An Overview Abstract
Holly Gaff (Old Dominion University)
Maeve L. McCarthy (Murray State University)
Model Theory and Its Applications Abstract
Lynn Scow (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Carol Wood (Wesleyan University)
Nonlinear Wave Phenomena Abstract
Andrea Nahmod (University of Massachusetts-Amherst)
Gigliola Staffilani (MIT)
Number Theory Abstract
Alina Bucur (University of California San Diego)
Michelle Manes (University of Hawaii)
Riemannian Geometry Abstract
Carolyn Gordon (Dartmouth College)
Sarah Greenwald (Appalachian State University)
Christina Sormani (CUNY GC and Lehman College)
Symplectic and Contact Geometry Abstract
Eleny Ionel (Stanford University)
Katrin Wehrheim (MIT)

Poster Sessions

Poster Session I (Saturday 9:30 - 10:10)
Barus Holley Lobby
Real Analyticity of Hausdorff Dimension of Julia Sets of Parabolic Polynomials
Hasina Akter, University of North Texas
Structure of Symmetric k-varieties with Tori Invariant under an Involution
Catherine Buell, Bates College
Tropical Secant Graphs of Monomial Curves
M. Angelica Cueto, Columbia University
A Linear Complexity Direct Solver for Integral Equations on One-dimensional Domains
Adrianna Gillman, Dartmouth College
Integer Solutions to the Diophantine Equations x y z = 1 and x + y + z = k in Fields of Small Degree
Laura Hall-Seelig, Merrimack College
Limiting Behavior at the Edge of the beta-Jacobi Spectrum
Diane Holcomb, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Optimization Problem for Klein-Gordon Equation
Qinghua Luo, University of Oklahoma
Studying Fast Slow Dynamics of Shallow-Water Equations and Its Use for Heterogeneous Computing
Samantha Oestreicher, University of Minnesota LANL
Deformations of an Algebra
Jeanette Shakalli, Texas A&M University
Actions by Right-angled Artin Groups: Length Functions and Compactness
Anna Vijayan, Brandeis University
Automorphisms of Random Trees
Le Yu, Drexel University
Poster Session II (Saturday 2:30 - 3:10)
Barus Holley Lobby
Mohanty's Conjectures
Alejandra Alvarado, Purdue University
Effects of Phase Response Curve Variability and Noise on Synchronization Properties of Reciprocally Pulse Coupled Pacemaker Neurons
Lakshmi Chandrasekaran, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center
Search for Cyclic Optimal Path in Reflected Quasipotential Problem
Kasie Farlow, Virginia Tech University
Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Atmospheric Vortices
Lynn Greenleaf, University of Oklahoma
New Nonnegative Tensor Decompositions with Applications in Facial Recognition
Ning Hao, Tufts University
Maximal Weights and Multiplicities of Certain sl(n)^-Modules
Rebecca Jayne, Washington College
Using Mathematics to Understand Influenza Evolution
Shishi Luo, Duke University
The Dwork Family and Hypergeometric Functions
Adriana Salerno, Bates College
Computing Modular Forms over Imaginary Quadratic Fields
Rebecca Torrey, Amherst College
K3 Surfaces, Shioda-Inose Structures, and Differential Equations
Ursula Whitcher, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Numerical Resolution of Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Time Dependent Wave Equations
Xnghui Zhong, Brown University
Poster Session III (Sunday 10:30 - 11:15)
Barus Holley Lobby
Limits, Regularity and Removal for Relational Structures
Ashwini Aroskar, Carnegie Mellon University
Shadows and Intersections in Vector Spaces
Ameerah Chowdhury, University of California San Diego
Ergodic Theory of p-adic Transformations
Joanna Furno, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Global Behavior of Finite Energy Solutions to the Focusing d-dimensional Nonlinear Schr?dinger Equation
Cristi Guevara, Arizona State University
On the Adjoint Representation of sl_n and the Fibonacci Numbers
Pamela Harris, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
A Mutual Information Based Iterative Algorithm to Characterize the High-D Space with Application in Biology
Luan Lin, Brown University
Cylindrical Contact Homology for Links of Simple Singularities
Jo Nelson, University of Wisconsin-Madison
On the Independence of Heegner Points on CM Elliptic Curves Associated to Distinct Quadratic Imaginary Fields
Hatice Sahinoglu, Brown University
Polynomials with Divisors of Every Degree
Lauren Thompson, Dartmouth College
Twisted Frobenius-Schur Indicators for Hopf Algebras
Maria Vega, Louisiana State University
Aperiodicity Conditions in Topological k-Graphs
Sarah Wright, College of the Holy Cross

AWM 40th Anniversary Song

((3+1)*3+1)*3 + 1 Anniversary of the AWM

To the tune of "This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land"

This math is theory
This math is prac-ti-cal
From Galois Theory
To Elliptic P-D-E
From Lattice Crypto
To Pro-ba-bil-i-ty
This math is made for you and me

Did you ever wonder
At the Joint Math Meetings
Why there's no line at
The door marked Ladies
You know your network
Is not just graph th-eorrry
It's a way to make your own commu-ni-ty

This math is happy
This math is beau-ti-ful
From Galois Theory
To Elliptic P-D-E
From Lattice Crypto
To Pro-ba-bil-i-ty
This math is made for you and me

Can you factor
A million-bit number?
Can you optimize
Immunotherapy protocols?
Do your priors
Have good posteriors?
Then you, like Jill, can save the world

This math is theory
This math is prac-ti-cal
From Galois Theory
To Elliptic P-D-E
From Lattice Crypto
To Pro-ba-bil-i-ty
This math is made for you and me

So won't you join us
In celebrating
The ((3+1) times,
3 + 1) times,
3+1 years, anniversary
Of the A-W-M!

This math is *your* math
This math is *my* math
From Galois Theory
To Elliptic P-D-E
From Lattice Crypto
To Pro-ba-bil-i-ty
This math is made*BY* you and me!

This math is *your* math
This math is *my* math
From Galois Theory
To Elliptic P-D-E
From Lattice Crypto
To Pro-ba-bil-i-ty
This math is made*BY* you and me!

Singers: Maria Basterra (UNH), Rebecca Goldin (George Mason), Tara Holm (Cornell), Kristin Lauter (Microsoft Research), Ami Radunskaya (Pomona College), Sue Tolman (UIUC)


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