February 1, 2013 - With the start of its spring 2013 semester program comes a new group of ICERM postdocs. We're pleased to introduce four Postdoctoral Fellows and re-introduce two Institute Fellows.

Postdoctoral Fellows:

Kwangho Choiy completed his Ph.D. in Mathematics from Purdue University under the supervision of Professor Freydoon Shahidi in August 2012. Before coming to ICERM, Dr. Choiy worked as a Visiting Assistant Professor in the department of mathematics at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater. His research interests lie in the fields of number theory, automorphic forms, representation theory, and harmonic analysis on reductive p-adic groups and Lie algebras. He will be with ICERM through May 2013, and continue to work at Oklahoma State University through May 2014.

Zajj Daugherty received her PhD in Spring 2010 from the University of Wisconsin - Madison, where she worked under the supervision of Arun Ram. When she is not here at ICERM, she is a John Wesley Young Research Instructor at Dartmouth College, where she will be through the Summer of 2014. Her research interests are in combinatorics and representation theory, specifically studying many aspects and applications of centralizer algebras arising, for example, in the studies of Lie theory, symmetric functions, and statistical mechanics. Fundamental examples in her work have been affine Hecke and Birman-Murakami-Wenzl algebras, partitions algebras, and generalizations of two-boundary Temperely Lieb algebras. Dr. Daugherty will be at ICERM through the beginning of May 2013.

Martina Lanini completed his Mathematics Ph.D. in March 2012 in a binationally supervised program at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaet Erlangen Nuernberg, Germany, and at the Universita' degli Studi di Roma Tre, Italy, under the supervision of Professor Peter Fiebig and Professor Lucia Caporaso. Before coming to ICERM, Dr. Lanini worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Melbourne, Australia, in the research group of Professor Arun Ram. Dr. Lanini's research interests are in representation theory, especially in its combinatorial and categorical aspects. She will be with ICERM January through May 2013.

Ben Salisbury completed his Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut under the direction of Kyu-Hwan Lee. Dr. Salisbury's research interests lie in the field of combinatorial representation theory. More specifically, his work uses various tableaux-like realizations of crystal graphs to study particular p-adic integral formulas arising in analytic number theory. Dr. Salisbury will be at ICERM through May 2013.

Institute Fellows:

Julio Andrade completed his Ph.D. in Mathematics at the University of Bristol working under the supervision of Jon Keating and Nina Snaith. Dr. Andrade's primary research interests are in number theory, algebraic geometry, mathematical physics (Quantum Chaos and Random Matrix Theory) and questions in analysis motivated by number theory. His research focuses on the theory of the Riemann zeta-function, automorphic forms (with applications to number theory and mathematical physics) and other L-functions, specifically in the mean values of L-functions, Ratios Conjectures, n-level correlations and low-lying zeros of L- functions and their function field analogues. As an Institute Postdoc, Dr. Andrade will be at ICERM through the 2012-2013 academic year.

Aaron Smith completed his Ph.D. in probability at Stanford University under the supervision of Persi Diaconis in June 2012. Most of Dr. Smith's research interests are centered on mixing analysis of Markov chains. His is particularly interested in coupling methods, especially "user-friendly" non-Markovian couplings and approximation of inhomogenous chains. As an Institute Postdoc, Dr. Smith will be at ICERM through the 2012-2013 academic year.