Programs & Events
Perspectives on Dehn Surgery
Jul 15 - 19, 2019
Dehn surgery has played a central role in the development of low-dimensional topology since it was first introduced by Max Dehn in 1910. Its study has stimulated several fascinating techniques that incorporate ideas from across mathematics: hyperbolic geometry, representation varieties, combinatorics, sutured manifold theory, and Floer homology, to name a few. These tools have led to sensational progress in understanding problems about Dehn surgery and low-dimensional topology at large. Furthermore, they seem well-suited to attack the major open problems in the area, such as the Berge conjecture and the L-space conjecture.
The workshop will function as a graduate summer school. At its core, the school will feature a sequence of mini-courses delivered by a cast of leading experts and distinguished expositors. The courses will unveil Dehn surgery and this suite of techniques to the next generation of researchers in the area. The school will additionally feature guided problem sessions... (more)
Organizing Committee
- Kenneth Baker
- Nathan Dunfield
- Joshua Greene
- Sarah Rasmussen
Mathematical Optimization of Systems Impacted by Rare, High-Impact Random Events
Jun 24 - 28, 2019
Designing, planning, and operating many systems is challenging due to the possibility of high-impact rare events. A motivating application is the electricity power grid, whose operation can be significantly disrupted by rare weather events such as a severe storm or a polar vortex. This workshop will explore optimization and simulation approaches to designing, planning, and operating systems impacted by such events. Stochastic optimization is one approach for optimizing such systems, in which the uncertain outcomes are modeled with random variables. Rare and high-impact events provide a challenge for stochastic optimization because (1) it is difficult to estimate the likelihood of rare events, (2) estimates of expected values with outcomes that have very low probability but high cost are inherently unstable, and (3) the actual distribution of the random events is often not known. Alternatively, robust and distributionally robust optimization models attempt to identify a solution that is... (more)
Organizing Committee
- Mihai Anitescu
- Güzin Bayraksan
- Jim Luedtke
- Jonathan Weare
Encrypted Search
Jun 10 - 14, 2019
The area of encrypted search focuses on the design and cryptanalysis of practical algorithms and systems that can search on end-to-end encrypted data. With encrypted search algorithms, data can remain encrypted even in use. As such, encrypted search algorithms have a wide array of applications including in data management, healthcare, cloud computing, mobile security, blockchains, and censorship- and surveillance-resistant systems.
Organizing Committee
- Alexandra Boldyreva
- David Cash
- Seny Kamara
- Hugo Krawczyk
- Tarik Moataz
- Charalampos Papamanthou
Celebrating 75 Years of Mathematics of Computation
Nov 1 - 3, 2018
This symposium will highlight the progress in the mathematics of computation over the last few decades. The invited lectures will present historical surveys of important areas or overviews of topics of high current interest. Together they will provide a panoramic view of the most significant achievements in the past quarter century in computational mathematics and also the most important current trends.
The year 2018 marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of Mathematics of Computation, one of the four primary research journals of the American Mathematical Society and the oldest research journal devoted to computational mathematics. This symposium will commemorate the event with invited lectures and poster presentations that reflect the spectrum of research covered by Mathematics of Computation at this juncture of its illustrious history.
The first day of the symposium (November 1) is devoted to the discrete topics and the other two days (November 2-3) are devoted to continuous... (more)
Organizing Committee
- Susanne Brenner
- Igor Shparlinski
- Chi-Wang Shu
- Daniel Szyld
Advances in PDEs: Theory, Computation and Application to CFD
Aug 20 - 24, 2018
Partial differential equations (PDEs) have long played crucial roles in the field of fluid dynamics. These PDE models, including Euler and Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible and compressible flows, kinetic equations for rarefied flows, and equations for more complex flows such as magneto-hydrodynamics flows, have motivated numerous studies from the theory of PDEs to the design and analysis of computational algorithms, and their implementation and application in computational fluid dynamics (CFD). This discipline is continually and dynamically evolving, constantly bringing forward new results in PDE theory, computation, and application to CFD, and also setting up the ground for generalizations to other related applications including electro-magnetics, fluid-structure interactions, cosmology, and computational electronics.
The aim of this workshop is to review the recent progress in the type of PDEs arising from fluid dynamics and other related physical areas, in terms of their... (more)
Organizing Committee
- Alina Chertock
- Adi Ditkowski
- Anne Gelb
- Johnny Guzman
- Jan Hesthaven
- Yvon Maday
- Jennifer Ryan
- Chi-Wang Shu
- Eitan Tadmor
SageDays@ICERM: Combinatorics and Representation Theory
Jul 23 - 27, 2018
SageMath (sometimes Sage for short) is an open-source, general purpose mathematical software based on the Python programming language. It was created in 2005 by William Stein as a viable alternative to commercial software with an active and established community. SageMath has a broad library of functions useful to mathematicians in many fields, including combinatorics and representation theory. The welcoming and engaged community of users and contributors helps to create an environment of collaboration in both software development and mathematical research, leading to SageMath being cited in over 300 papers.
The study of the representation theories of certain algebras (e.g., Lie algebras, Hecke algebras, KhovanovâLaudaâRouquier (KLR) algebras, quantum groups, etc.) also amounts to understanding the associated combinatorics. This has exposed deep connections between the associated representation theory and other areas of... (more)
Organizing Committee
- Gabriel Feinberg
- Darij Grinberg
- Ben Salisbury
- Travis Scrimshaw
Computational Aspects of Time Dependent Electromagnetic Wave Problems in Complex Materials
Jun 25 - 29, 2018
Forward simulations of the propagation and scattering of transient electromagnetic (EM) waves in complex media are important in a variety of applications, such as radar, environmental and medical imaging, noninvasive detection of cancerous tumors, design of engineered composites such as metamaterials, communication and computation, and global climate assessment, among others. These applications involve multiple spatial and temporal scales, complex geometries, spatial and temporal heterogeneities, and stochastic effects at small scales.
Biological tissues are complex media with inhomogeneous and frequency dependent (dispersive) properties. Analyses of EM wave interactions with biological media is fundamental in many medical applications, such as noninvasive diagnosis techniques, and for advancing the quality of medical imaging in general. Characterization of EM wave interaction with natural media is of great importance for environmental remote sensing and global climate assessment.... (more)
Organizing Committee
- Vrushali Bokil
- Yingda Cheng
- Susan Hagness
- Fengyan Li
- Fernando Teixeira
- Shan Zhao
Fractional PDEs: Theory, Algorithms and Applications
Jun 18 - 22, 2018
Fractional partial differential equations (FPDEs) are emerging as a powerful tool for modeling challenging multiscale phenomena including overlapping microscopic and macroscopic scales. Compared to integer-order PDEs, the fractional order of the derivatives in FPDEs may be a function of space and time or even a distribution, opening up great opportunities for modeling and simulation of multi-physics phenomena, e.g. seamless transition from wave propagation to diffusion, or from local to non-local dynamics. In addition, data-driven fractional differential operators may be constructed to fit data from a particular experiment or specific phenomenon, including the effect of uncertainties. FPDEs lead to a paradigm shift, according to which data-driven fractional operators may be constructed to model a specific phenomenon instead of the current practice of tweaking free parameters that multiply pre-set integer-order differential operators. This workshop will cover all these areas, including... (more)
Organizing Committee
- George Karniadakis
- Francesco Mainardi
- Mark Meerschaert
- Jie Shen
- Hong Wang
Frame Theory and Exponential Bases
Jun 4 - 8, 2018
The problem of decomposing a function into a sum of simply structured functions is a classical area of research in Analysis. Exciting recent progress, e.g. the solution to the Kadison-Singer problem, results about exponential frames and Riesz bases in various settings, and results about orthogonal exponential bases for convex polytopes, has re-energized discussion in this area, opened new directions for study, and turned it into an even more active and fruitful area for research. The goal of this workshop is to discuss such new developments in this area. In particular, the workshop will focus on problems regarding exponential systems in weighted spaces and the Fuglede conjecture. Related settings will also be of interest, for example: (i) Systems of vectors obtained by translating, translating and modulating, or translating and dilating a single function over the line; (ii) Sampling and decomposition of functions in the finite dimensional setting; (iii) Sampling and interpolation of... (more)
Organizing Committee
- Alex Iosevich
- Mihalis Kolountzakis
- Shahaf Nitzan
Birational Geometry and Arithmetic
May 14 - 18, 2018
Recent developments in the minimal model program in positive characteristic and birational geometry have found purchase within arithmetic geometry, e.g., around questions of exceptional sets involved in Manin's conjecture on points of bounded height. In turn, arithmetic perspectives afforded by Manin's conjecture are starting to shed light on the geometry of spaces of rational curves.
Our goal in this workshop is to bring together two camps of geometers (birational and arithmetic) who have had few opportunities to interact on a large scale. We plan to focus on the interplay between theoretical developments and explicit constructions, e.g., in the study of Cox rings of Fano varieties, rationality problems, Manin's conjecture.
Organizing Committee
- Asher Auel
- Marta Pieropan
- Sho Tanimoto
- Yuri Tschinkel
- Anthony Varilly-Alvarado
Pedestrian Dynamics: Modeling, Validation and Calibration
Aug 21 - 25, 2017
The complex dynamical behavior of large pedestrian crowds has long fascinated researchers from various scientific fields. Academic studies began in earnest in the last century, starting with empirical observations in the early 1950âs and continuing with the development of models in the field of applied physics. In more recent years, applied mathematicians have become increasingly interested in the analytical aspects and computational challenges related to simulation of existing models. With ongoing technical development, more and more data such as pedestrian trajectories and velocities have become available, leading to new questions of calibration of the mathematical models.
Since the inception of the field of study, several scientific communities have been independently working on the challenge of describing and simulating pedestrian dynamics. While mathematicians have mainly focused on the modeling and analytical aspects, physicists have developed experimental setups and methods... (more)
Organizing Committee
- Alethea Barbaro
- Jose Carrillo
- Benedetto Piccoli
- Armin Seyfried
- Marie-Therese Wolfram
Localized Kernel-Based Meshless Methods for Partial Differential Equations
Aug 7 - 11, 2017
This workshop will provide a platform for researchers working on localized kernel-based methods to present and discuss their latest developments, as well as the current theoretical and practical challenges in the field. These methods, such as radial basis function-generated finite differences (RBF-FD) or RBF-generated partition of unity methods (RBF-PUM), promise to develop into general-purpose meshless techniques for the numerical solution of partial differential equations that inherit the ease of implementation of the finite difference method, and yet potentially possess a greater ability than the finite element method to fit any geometry or adapt to singularities or other features of the solution.
The numerical evidence collected in recent years by a rapidly growing community of researchers suggests that these methods combine numerical stability on irregular node layouts, high computational speed, high accuracy, easy local adaptive refinement, and excellent opportunities for... (more)
Organizing Committee
- Oleg Davydov
- Greg Fasshauer
- Natasha Flyer
- Bengt Fornberg
- Elisabeth Larsson