Organizing Committee
- Jesús De Loera
University of California, Davis - Wolfram Decker
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern - Andrew Sommese
University of Notre Dame - Mike Stillman
Cornell University
This workshop will focus on core algorithms in the three crucial areas in nonlinear algebra: numerical algebraic geometry, symbolic computation, and combinatorial methods. There have been tremendous advances in algorithms in these areas. As applications become more sophisticated, and require more computing resources, the basic algorithms and implementations need to step up to match the demand from applications. This workshop will bring together experts to exchange ideas on new algorithms that are needed and on improvement of existing ones. It will incite collaboration on hybrid algorithms involving computational methods from the three areas. Examples of open problems to be addressed include: certification of numerical methods, and combining numerical, symbolic and combinatorial methods to allow a much larger reach for decomposition algorithms.
Confirmed Speakers & Participants
Talks will be presented virtually or in-person as indicated in the schedule below.
- Speaker
- Poster Presenter
- Attendee
- Virtual Attendee
Bibhas Adhikari
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Amir Ali Ahmadi
Princeton University
Carlos Améndola Cerón
Technical University Munich
Silviana Amethyst
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
Iman Bahmani Jafarloo
Politecnico di Torino
Daniel Bernstein
Anna Bigatti
University of Genova
Greg Blekherman
Georgia Tech
Ahmed Blidia
Taylor Brysiewicz
Texas A&M University
Peter Burgisser
Technical University Berlin
Michael Burr
Clemson University
Melody Chan
Brown University
Tianran Chen
Auburn University at Montgomery
Justin Chen
Georgia Institute of Technology
Diego Cifuentes
Jesús De Loera
University of California, Davis
Mark DeBonis
Manhattan College
Wolfram Decker
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
Papri Dey
IIT Bombay
Mareike Dressler
Timothy Duff
Georgia Institute of Technology
David Eklund
Ricardo Fabbri
Rio de Janeiro State University – UERJ, Polytechnic Institute at Nova Friburgo – IPRJ, Graduate program CAPES 6
Oliver Gäfvert
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Tingran Gao
The University of Chicago
Luis David Garcia Puente
Sam Houston State University
Elisa Gorla
University of Neuchatel
António Goucha
University of Coimbra
Elizabeth Gross
University of Hawai'i at Manoa
Marc Harkonen
Georgia Institute of Technology
Jonathan Hauenstein
University of Notre Dame
Martin Helmer
University of Copenhagen
Cvetelina Hill
Georgia Institute of Technology
Anders Jensen
Aarhus Universitet
Thomas Kahle
Otto-von-Guericke Unversität
Nidhi Kaihnsa
Max Planck Institute, MIS, Leipzig
Erich Kaltofen
North Carolina State University
Kathlén Kohn
Madhu Kiran C Kolli
North Carolina State University
Matthias Köppe
UC Davis
Martin Kreuzer
University of Passau
Robert Krone
UC Davis
Sara Lamboglia
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Kisun Lee
Georgia tech
Anton Leykin
Georgia Tech
Nan Li
Tianjin University
Diane Maclagan
University of Warwick
Peter Olver
University of Minnesota
Tomas Pajdla
Czech Technical University in Prague
Elisa Palezzato
Hokkaido University
Chris Peterson
Colorado State University
Daniel Plaumann
TU Dortmund University
Andrew Pryhuber
University of Washington
Kristian Ranestad
University of Oslo
Margaret Regan
University of Notre Dame
Yue Ren
Max Planck Institute
Felipe Rincón
Queen Mary University of London
Jose Rodriguez
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Michael Ruddy
North Carolina State University
Mahrud Sayrafi
University of Minnesota
Georgy Scholten
North Carolina State University
Samantha Sherman
University of Notre Dame
Lily Silverstein
University of California Davis
Faye Pasley Simon
North Carolina State University
Rainer Sinn
FU Berlin
Luca Sodomaco
University of Florence
Andrew Sommese
University of Notre Dame
Frank Sottile
Texas A&M University
Allen (AJ) Stewart
Seattle University
Mike Stillman
Cornell University
Bernd Sturmfels
MPI Leipzig
Matteo Tacchi
Simon Telen
KU Leuven
Elias Tsigaridas
Cynthia Vinzant
North Carolina State
Elise Walker
Texas A&M University
Charles Wampler
General Motors
Dane Wilburne
Illinois Institute of Technology
Ke Ye
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ruriko Yoshida
Naval Postgraduate School
Josephine Yu
Georgia Institute of Technology
Lihong Zhi
Academia Sinica