Organizing Committee
- Alicia Dickenstein
University of Buenos Aires - Elisa Gorla
University of Neuchatel - Jonathan Hauenstein
University of Notre Dame - Yang-Hui He
City, University of London, Oxford University, and Nankai University - Caroline Uhler
Applications often pose many algorithmic, computational, and theoretical challenges, and overcoming these challenges has been a driving force behind many recent innovations in nonlinear algebra. This workshop will bring together mathematicians and practitioners with a focus on recently developed methods that have been motivated by solving problems arising in applications. Three key hallmarks of the methods presented are efficient computation of solutions, exploitation of structure, and reformulation of numerically unstable systems. Some of the topics planned for discussion include algebraic cryptanalysis and coding theory, chemical reaction networks, computational biology, computer-aided geometric design, applications of enumerative and tropical geometry, gauge and string theory in physics, and applications to statistics such as probabilistic graphical models and singular learning theory.
Confirmed Speakers & Participants
Talks will be presented virtually or in-person as indicated in the schedule below.
- Speaker
- Poster Presenter
- Attendee
- Virtual Attendee
Michael Adamer
University of Oxford
Bibhas Adhikari
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Daniele Agostini
University of Copenhagen
Elizabeth Allman
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Silviana Amethyst
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
Iman Bahmani Jafarloo
Politecnico di Torino
Alessandra Bernardi
Università di Trento
Daniel Bernstein
Greg Blekherman
Georgia Tech
Taylor Brysiewicz
Texas A&M University
Michael Burr
Clemson University
Eimear Byrne
University College Dublin
Dustin Cartwright
University of Tennessee
Melody Chan
Brown University
Venkat Chandrasekaran
California Institute of Technology
Justin Chen
Georgia Institute of Technology
Lynn Chua
UC Berkeley
Diego Cifuentes
Maize Curiel
San Jose State University
Carina Curto
The Pennsylvania State University
Jesús De Loera
University of California, Davis
Pierre-Philippe Dechant
York St John University
Papri Dey
IIT Bombay
Sandra Di Rocco
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
Alicia Dickenstein
University of Buenos Aires
Mareike Dressler
Eliana Duarte Gelvez
Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg
Timothy Duff
Georgia Institute of Technology
Oliver Gäfvert
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Luis David Garcia Puente
Sam Houston State University
Elisa Gorla
University of Neuchatel
António Goucha
University of Coimbra
Alexandros Grosdos Koutsoumpelias
Osnabrück University
Elizabeth Gross
University of Hawai'i at Manoa
Alexander Guterman
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Marc Harkonen
Georgia Institute of Technology
Heather Harrington
University of Oxford
Jonathan Hauenstein
University of Notre Dame
Yang-Hui He
City, University of London, Oxford University, and Nankai University
Martin Helmer
Centre for Applicable Mathematics
Bill Helton
University of California San Diego
Willy Hereman
Colorado School of Mines
Cvetelina Hill
Georgia Institute of Technology
Evelyne Hubert
Anthony Iarrobino
Northeastern University
Sun Jang
University of Ulsan
Vishnu Jejjala
University of Witwatersrand
Peter Joyce
Community college of baltimore county at catonsville
Thomas Kahle
Otto-von-Guericke Unversität
David Kahle
Baylor University
Karan Khathuria
University of Zurich
Kathlén Kohn
Robert Krone
UC Davis
Kaie Kubjas
Sorbonne Université
Sara Lamboglia
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Cristina Landolina
University of Neuchâtel
Christopher Langdon
Pennsylvania State University
Reinhard Laubenbacher
University of Connecticut Health Center
ChongGyu Lee
University of Illinois
Kisun Lee
Georgia tech
Robert Lewis
Fordham University
Anton Leykin
Georgia Tech
Hiram López
Clemson University and Autonomous University of Aguascalientes
Felice Manganiello
Clemson University
Ivan Martino
Northeastern University
Gretchen Matthews
Virginia Tech
Challenger Mishra
ICMAT, Madrid
Peter Olver
University of Minnesota
Giorgio Ottaviani
University of Florence
Tomas Pajdla
Czech Technical University in Prague
Beatriz Pascual Escudero
Ecole Centrale de Nantes
Dmitrii Pasechnik
Oxford University
Elisa Perrone
Alexander Pilyavsky
Mark Plecnik
University of California, Berkeley
Tefjol Pllaha
University of Kentucky
Andrew Pryhuber
University of Washington
Kristian Ranestad
University of Oslo
Alberto Ravagnani
University College Dublin
Margaret Regan
University of Notre Dame
Yue Ren
Max Planck Institute
Elina Robeva
Jose Rodriguez
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Michael Ruddy
North Carolina State University
Mohab Safey El Din
Sorbonne University
Hal Schenck
Iowa State University
Georgy Scholten
North Carolina State University
Samantha Sherman
University of Notre Dame
Anne Shiu
Texas A&M University
Joseph Silverman
Brown University
Lily Silverstein
University of California Davis
Faye Pasley Simon
North Carolina State University
Michael Snarski
Brown University
Luca Sodomaco
University of Florence
Ivan Soprunov
Cleveland State University
Frank Sottile
Texas A&M University
Agnes Szanto
North Carolina State University
Xiaoxian Tang
Texas A&M University
Angelica Torres
University of Copenhagen
Ngoc Mai Tran
University of Texas at Austin
Cynthia Vinzant
North Carolina State
Dane Wilburne
Ruth Williams
University of California, San Diego
Josephine Yu
Georgia Institute of Technology