Organizing Committee
- Keenan Crane
Carnegie Mellon University - David Dumas
University of Illinois at Chicago
Applications closed. Workshop is at capacity.
This workshop will focus on the interaction between visualization, computer experiment, and theoretical advances in all areas of research in geometry and topology. Fruitful interactions of this type have a long history in the field, with physical models and computer images and animations providing both illustration of existing work and inspiration for new developments. Emerging visualization technologies, such as virtual reality, are poised to further increase the tools available for mathematical illustration and experimentation. By bringing together expert practitioners of mathematical visualization techniques and researchers interested in incorporating such tools into their research, the workshop will give participants a clear picture of the state of the art in this fast-moving field while also fostering new collaborations and innovations in illustrating geometry and topology.
This workshop is partially funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation award G-2019-11406 and supported by a Simons Foundation Targeted Grant to Institutes.
Organizers gathered workshop participants' input on objects from geometry and topology that they would like to see visualized. The list has been transcribed and made available here:
Confirmed Speakers & Participants
Talks will be presented virtually or in-person as indicated in the schedule below.
- Speaker
- Poster Presenter
- Attendee
- Virtual Attendee
Aaron Abrams
Washington and Lee University
Henry Adams
Colorado State University
Silviana Amethyst
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
Roger Antonsen
University of Oslo
Alex Austin
David Bachman
Pitzer College
Tom Banchoff
Brown University
Arthur Baragar
University of Nevada Las Vegas
Loretta Bartolini
Vincent Borrelli
Institut Camille Jordan
John Bowers
James Madison University
Sebastian Bozlee
University of Colorado, Boulder
Matt Brand
Zintaglio Arts
Vladimir Bulatov
Shapeways, Inc
Danny Calegari
University of Chicago
J. Scott Carter
University of South Alabama
Dorota Celińska-Kopczyńska
University of Warsaw
Teressa Chambers
Brown University
Indira Chatterji
Université de Nice
Arnaud Chéritat
Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse
Albert Chern
Technische Universität Berlin
Rhoslyn Coles
Technical University Berlin
Rémi Coulon
CNRS / Université de Rennes 1
Keenan Crane
Carnegie Mellon University
Brian Day
Georgia Institute of Technology
Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo
Charles Delman
Eastern Illinois University
Kelly Delp
Cornell University
Elizabeth Denne
Washington & Lee University
Michael Dimitriyev
Georgia Institute of Technology
Emily Donovan
Queen Mary University of London
Gabriel Dorfsman-Hopkins
David Dumas
University of Illinois at Chicago
Nathan Dunfield
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
John Edmark
Stanford University
Robert Edwards
Ellen Eischen
The University of Oregon
Jeff Erickson
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Bernat Espigule
Universitat de Barcelona
Frank Farris
Santa Clara University
Aaron Fenyes
Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques
Rebecca Field
James Madison University
Martin Flashman
Humboldt State University
George Francis
University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
Michael Gage
University of Rochester
Sayonita Ghosh Hajra
California State University
Robert Ghrist
University of Pennsylvania
William Goldman
University of Maryland
Chaim Goodman-Strauss
University of Arkansas
Matthias Görner
Pixar Animation Studios
Bathsheba Grossman
Bathsheba Sculpture
Charles Gunn
Technische Universität Berlin
Wesley Hamilton
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Andrew Hanson
Indiana University, Bloomington
Edmund Harriss
University of Arkansas
Allison Henrich
Seattle Univerisity
Eriko Hironaka
AMS, Florida State University
Judy Holdener
Kenyon College
Alexander Holroyd
University of Washington
Alex Hornstein
Looking Glass Factory, Inc
Veronika Irvine
University of Waterloo
Yutaka Ishii
Kyushu University
Rajaa Issa
Robert McNeel & Associates
Richard Kenyon
Yale University
Kevin Knudson
University of Florida
Aleksandr Kolpakov
University of Neuchâtel
Eryk Kopczyński
University of Warsaw
Hana Kourimska
Technische Universitaet Berlin
Oliver Labs
Evelyn Lamb
Francis Lazarus
Minh Le
August Lehrecke
Penuhaus/Rhode Island School of Design
Samuel Lelièvre
Université Paris-Sud
Jesse Levitt
University of Southern California
Isabel Liao
Tufts University
Jasper Liu
Brown University
Jesse Louis-Rosenberg
Nervous System
Taneli Luotoniemi
Aalto University
Jason Manning
Cornell University
Sabetta Matsumoto
Georgia Institute of Technology
Curtis McMullen
Harvard University
Ralph Morrison
Williams College
Bjoern Muetzel
Dartmouth College
Michael Musty
Dartmouth College
Roice Nelson
GE Aviation
Margaret Nichols
University at Buffalo
Caleb Nussear
Independent Artist
Nicholas Owad
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Colby College
Marcel Padilla
Technical University of Berlin
Olga Paris-Romaskevich
University of Rennes 1
Hugo Parlier
University of Luxembourg
Stepan Paul
Harvard University
Ulrich Pinkall
Technische Universität Berlin
Joseph Quinn
National Museum of Mathematics
Isabella Retter
Technical University of Berlin
Jessica Rosenkrantz
Nervous System
Elissa Ross
MESH Consultants Inc.
Anschel Schaffer-Cohen
University of Pennsylvania
Saul Schleimer
University of Warwick
Richard Schwartz
Brown University
Henry Segerman
Oklahoma State University
Carlo Séquin
University of California, Berkeley
Tashrika Sharma
University of Vienna
Thomas Shifley
University of California Santa Barbara
Krishma Singal
Georgia Institute of Technology
Martin Skrodzki
Freie Universität Berlin
Katherine Stange
University of Colorado
Kenneth Stephenson
University of Tennessee
John Sullivan
Technische Universitat Berlin
Yuri Sulyma
Brown University
Moritz Sümmermann
University of Cologne
Laura Taalman
James Madison University
Ryan Tavenner
Proof School
Luciano Teresi
Università Roma Tre
Mélanie Theillière
Institut Camille Jordan
Boris Thibert
Université Grenoble Alpes
Timea Tihanyi
University of Washington
Hamish Todd
University of Edinburgh
Steve Trettel
Stanford University
Mikael Vejdemo Johansson
CUNY College of Staten Island
Joshua Vekhter
Univerity of Texas Austin
Jeff Weeks
Geometry Games
Glen Whitney
Jonathan Wise
University of Colorado
Runhan Xie
Brown University
Carolyn Yackel
Mercer University
Katherine Ye
Carnegie Mellon University
Max Zahoransky von Worlik
Technische Universität Berlin
Zihui Zhao
University of Chicago