Organizing Committee
- Jayadev Athreya
University of Washington - Alexander Holroyd
University of Washington - Sarah Koch
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
This workshop will focus on the theoretical insights developed via illustration, visualization, and computational experiment in dynamical systems and probability theory. Some topics from complex dynamics include: dynamical moduli spaces and their dynamically-defined subvarieties, degenerations of dynamical systems as one moves toward the boundary of moduli space, and the structure of algebraic data coming from a family of dynamical systems. In classical dynamical systems, some topics include: flows on hyperbolic spaces and Lorentz attractors, simple physical systems like billiards in two and three dimensional domains, and flows on moduli spaces. In probability theory, the workshop features: random walks and continuous time random processes like Brownian motion, SLE, and scaling limits of discrete systems.
This workshop is partially funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation award G-2019-11406 and supported by a Simons Foundation Targeted Grant to Institutes.
Confirmed Speakers & Participants
Talks will be presented virtually or in-person as indicated in the schedule below.
- Speaker
- Poster Presenter
- Attendee
- Virtual Attendee
Aaron Abrams
Washington and Lee University
Darío Alatorre
Silviana Amethyst
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
Roger Antonsen
University of Oslo
Pierre Arnoux
Université d'Aix-Marseille
Jayadev Athreya
University of Washington
Arthur Baragar
University of Nevada Las Vegas
Peter Benson
Cherry Arbor Design, LLC
Chris Bishop
Stony Brook University
Patrick Bishop
George Mason University
Ahmed Bou-Rabee
University of Chicago
Sebastian Bozlee
University of Colorado, Boulder
Florestan Brunck
McGill University
Dina Buric
University of Victoria
J. Scott Carter
University of South Alabama
Arnaud Chéritat
Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse
Subhadip Chowdhury
Bowdoin College
Tim Chumley
Mount Holyoke College
Rémi Coulon
CNRS / Université de Rennes 1
Christopher Cox
Tarleton State University
Kelly Delp
Cornell University
Emily Donovan
Queen Mary University of London
Gabriel Dorfsman-Hopkins
David Dumas
University of Illinois at Chicago
John Edmark
Stanford University
Ellen Eischen
The University of Oregon
Bernat Espigule
Universitat de Barcelona
Frank Farris
Santa Clara University
Khashayar Filom
Northwestern University
Behrang Forghano
Bowdoin College
Matthias Görner
Pixar Animation Studios
Helen Grundman
Bryn Mawr College
Edmund Harriss
University of Arkansas
Jordan Hartzell
Brown University
Yan Mary He
University of Luxembourg
Paige Helms
University of Washington
Christopher Hoffman
University of Washington
Judy Holdener
Kenyon College
Alexander Holroyd
University of Washington
Pavel Javornik
City College of New York
Isabelle Kemajou-Brown
Morgan State University
Sarah Koch
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Evelyn Lamb
Sara Lapan
University of California, Riverside
Greg Leclerc
University of Rhode Island
George Legrady
University of California, Santa Barbara
Samuel Lelièvre
Université Paris-Sud
Lionel Levine
Cornell University
Feng Liang
Cornell University
Kathryn Lindsey
Boston College
Patrick Liscio
Brown University
Alba Málaga Sabogal
Jason Manning
Cornell University
Sabetta Matsumoto
Georgia Institute of Technology
Alex McDonough
Brown University
Greg McShane
University of Grenoble Alpes
Claire Merriman
Ohio State University
Michael Musty
Dartmouth College
Stepan Paul
Harvard University
Wesley Pegden
Carnegie Mellon University
Lam Pham
Brandeis University
Afroditi Psarra
University of Washington
Remus Radu
Institute for Mathematics of the Romanian Academy
Heidi Robb
Cherry Arbor Design
Steffen Rohde
University of Washington
Dan Romik
University of California, Davis
Evelyn Sander
George Mason University
Saul Schleimer
University of Warwick
Richard Schwartz
Brown University
Henry Segerman
Oklahoma State University
Thomas Sharland
University of Rhode Island
Tashrika Sharma
University of Vienna
Sunrose Shrestha
Tufts University
Martin Skrodzki
Freie Universität Berlin
Katherine Stange
University of Colorado
Ivan Sudakow
University of Dayton
John Sullivan
Technische Universitat Berlin
Laura Taalman
James Madison University
Diaaeldin Taha
University of Washington-Seattle
Raluca Tanase
Institute for Mathematics of the Romanian Academy
Ryan Tavenner
Proof School
Timea Tihanyi
University of Washington
Giulio Tiozzo
University of Toronto
Steve Trettel
Stanford University
Xiaoguang Wang
Zhejiang University
Glen Whitney
Peter Winkler
Dartmouth College
Jonathan Wise
University of Colorado
Carolyn Yackel
Mercer University
Max Zahoransky von Worlik
Technische Universität Berlin
Lingjiong Zhu
Florida State University