Organizing Committee
- Annalisa Calini
College of Charleston - Boris Khesin
University of Toronto - Gloria Mari-Beffa
University of Wisconsin - Vadim Zharnitsky
University of Illinois
This workshop focuses on topics at the interface of classical mechanics, differential geometry, and computer experiments. The directions of current research to be explored at the workshop include the study of invariants and complete integrability of geometrically motivated differential equations (in particular, vehicle motion, tire track geometry, and smoke ring equations), sub-Riemannian geometry, geometric control, nonholonomic systems (such as e.g. bicycle stability and nonholonomic methods in billiard problems), computational methods in mechanics and dynamics (including geometric integrators, biological applications, etc.).
The goal of the workshop is to explore broad applications of the mechanical approach to geometry and geometric one to classical mechanics, to foster interaction between researchers in the above areas, with a view of finding new domains for applications of these fertile ideas.
Confirmed Speakers & Participants
Talks will be presented virtually or in-person as indicated in the schedule below.
- Speaker
- Poster Presenter
- Attendee
- Virtual Attendee
Simonetta Abenda
Università di Bologna
Anani Komla Adabrah
University of Texas at Dallas
Maxim Arnold
UT Dallas
Kenneth Ball
Computer Science, University of Texas at San Antonio
Yuliy Baryshnikov
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
Yakov Berchenko-Kogan
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Raphael Boll
TU Berlin
Gil Bor
Annalisa Calini
College of Charleston
Alessandra Celletti
University of Roma
Gabor Domokos
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Yuri Fedorov
Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya
Oscar Fernandes
Wellesley College
Luis Garcia-Naranjo
Eriko Hironaka
Florida State University
Thomas Ivey
College of Charleston
Anton Izosimov
University of Toronto
Boris Khesin
University of Toronto
Ki Yeun (Eunice) Kim
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Madison Krieger
Brown University
Joel Langer
Case Western Reserve University
Melvin Leok
Mark Levi
Pennsylvania State University
L. Mahadevan
Harvard University
Gloria Mari-Beffa
University of Wisconsin
James Mathews
Stony Brook University
Vladimir Matveev
University of Jena
Tom Mestdag
Ghent University
Richard Montgomery
University of California - Santa Cruz
Joseph Palmer
University of California, San Diego
Ron Perline
Drexel University
Manuele Santoprete
Wilfrid Laurier University
Richard Schwartz
Brown University
Jonah Smith
Ursinus College
Chong Song
Xiamen University
Yuri Suris
Technische Universität Berlin
Sergei Tabachnikov
ICERM and Penn State
Tadashi Tokieda
Cambridge University
Mats Vermeeren
TU Berlin
Alexander Veselov
Loughborough University
Andreas Vollmer
University of Jena
Dmitry Zenkov
NC State University
Vadim Zharnitsky
University of Illinois