Organizing Committee
- Vincent Cohen-Addad
CNRS & Sorbonne Université - Philip Klein
Brown University - Eli Upfal
Brown University
Data science in low-dimensional spaces is motivated by applications in mapping, navigation, geographic resource allocation, modeling of body shapes and chemical structures, and more. In addition to datasets that naturally reside in low-dimension spaces, dimension-reduction methods can often transform high dimensional data to lower-dimensional data while preserving properties of interest. Since many computational problems are intractable for high-dimensional data but potentially tractable for low-dimensional data, it is useful to establish the algorithmic foundations of data science on low-dimensional data, to understand the special properties of such data, and to identify computational methods that are highly effective when applied to such data.
This workshop will bring together researchers in academia and industry to explore algorithmic and data analysis technique specialized for low-dimensional data, and application areas in which such problems arise. The focus of this workshop is on algorithms with provable performance guarantees. In particular, we are interested in algorithms that scale to large datasets, and algorithms that adapts to distributed environments and to online settings.
Confirmed Speakers & Participants
Talks will be presented virtually or in-person as indicated in the schedule below.
- Speaker
- Poster Presenter
- Attendee
- Virtual Attendee
Pankaj Agarwal
Duke University
Megumi Ando
Brown Univ. / MITRE
Amariah Becker
Brown University
Jacob Brown
Harvard Kennedy School
Sergio Cabello
University of Ljubljana
Vincent Cohen-Addad
CNRS & Sorbonne Université
Cyrus Cousins
Brown University
Lorenzo De Stefani
Brown University
Ryan Enos
Harvard University
Nova Fandina
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Andreas Feldmann
Charles University
Arnold Filtser
Ben-Gurion University
Anna Grim
Brown University
Anupam Gupta
Carnegie Mellon University
Olaniyi Iyiola
California University of Pennsylvania
Jalal Kiani
University of Memphis
Saeja Kim
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Philip Klein
Brown University
Hung Le
University of Victoria
Jason Li
Carnegie Mellon University
Tong Li
University of Iowa
Joshua Lieberman
Harvard University
Shuyang Ling
New York University
F. Patricia Medina
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Ankur Moitra
Shay Mozes
Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya
Ofer Neiman
Ben-Gurion University
Stefan Neumann
University of Vienna
Leonardo Pellegrina
University of Padova
Andrea Pietracaprina
Università di Padova
Geppino Pucci
Università di Padova
Daniel Reichman
Princeton University
Matteo Riondato
Amherst College
David Saulpic
Chris Schwiegelshohn
Sapienza University of Rome
Anastasios (Tasos) Sidiropoulos
University of Illinois at Chicago
Eli Upfal
Brown University
Fabio Vandin
University of Padova
Marilyn Vazquez Landrove
Renato Werneck
Archer Wheeler
Brown University