Problems on convergent sequences of dense graphs

Vera Sos
Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA)
February 11, 2015

Universal behavior near Erdoes-Renyi

Lorenzo Sadun
University of Texas at Austin
February 11, 2015

Characterizing extremal limits

Oleg Pikhurko
University of Warwick
February 11, 2015

How the Ising crystal grows

Senya Shlosman
Aix-Marseille University
February 11, 2015

Aperiodic tilings

Boris Solomyak
Bar-Ilan University
February 11, 2015

Various types of phase transitions in extremal graph theory

Miklós Simonovits
Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA)
February 10, 2015

Fixed-energy harmonic functions

Richard Kenyon
Brown University
February 10, 2015

Multipodal phases in graphs

Lorenzo Sadun
University of Texas at Austin
February 10, 2015